AMR Technology
What is AMR Technology?
Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) are vehicles that use on-board sensors to autonomously move materials around a facility without the need to make physical changes to the building structure. AMRs use these on-board sensors to identify and avoid both moving and stationary obstacles to effortlessly navigate around your facility. Sophisticated mapping software allows AMRs to be commissioned in 1-2 days, rather than weeks or months. More companies are choosing AMR technology solutions over AGVs for their mission flexibility and their low cost of ownership. In-Position Technologies has partnered with the leading manufacturer of industrial mobile robots to provide our customers with the best turnkey AMR solutions. Mobile Industrial Robots, or MiR, manufactures low profile AMRs with payloads from 100Kg to 1000Kg for use in both manufacturing and logistics. MIR’s AMRs are small and agile. Designed from the start to be collaborative. They are safe to use in highly dynamic environments overlaid with human traffic. MIR is part of the growing Teradyne family of industrial automation products which include Universal Robots.
Automated Guided Vehicles vs. AMRs
AGVs(Automated Guided Vehicles) are a well known technology used to automate material movement and logistics in the manufacturing industry. Although AGVs and AMRs share many of the same use cases, the technology differentiates by cost, efficiency and flexibility. Although safe, traditional AGVs are designed to work away from people. AMRs are collaborative, meaning, they are designed to operate alongside humans and work around obstructions. Most AGVs function independently and must be programmed to avoid each other. However, a fleet of AMRs are designed to communicate with each other, avoiding collisions, jams and increasing the overall operational flow and efficiency. The flexibility of the AMR delivery is another advantage of using AMRs in your manufacturing processes. AMRs use mapping software where routes can be established and a fleet management system can determine which of those routes are ideal for pickup or delivery whereas AGVs require fixed references in the initial setup that must be changed whenever a route or delivery scenario changes. When comparing the characteristics of AMR and AGV technology, it’s easy to see how AMRs offer advantages over AGVs. AMRs are perfect for manufacturers whose businesses depend on multiple destinations and tasks with variable frequency and unpredictable workflows.
AMR Technology Solutions
In-Position Technologies is your one stop industrial AMR solutions provider. We offer presales consulting, post-sales support, and full turnkey solutions. We work with your ERP IT team to fully integrate MIR AMRs into your enterprise system. We provide both the hardware and software resources to customize your AMR system to your specific needs.
Our team of mechanical engineers work tirelessly with your production team to interface our AMR carts to your existing product requirements, while our team of software engineers do the same with your IT team to safely interface our Fleet supervisory software to your MRP/ERP software.
Data Privacy
In-Position Technologies, Teradyne, and MiR value your data privacy. We understand that AMRs become an integral part of your product delivery and manufacturing systems and have access to your sensitive ERP data. We are proud to partner with companies that have created AMR Technology solutions that give you total control over your data, with no need for an internet connection. For more discussion on data privacy, please contact one of our Sales Engineers.
IP Tech AMR Capabilities
Have you thought through the challenges that may arise by simply purchasing AMR technology and then turning over the integration of those vehicles directly to your engineering team? In our experience, few of those projects have been successful due to the tremendous time demand that it takes to both learn AMR technology and then integrate it. Many engineering teams are already overwhelmed with their current work-load, so adding another project just isn’t feasible.
In-Position Technologies AMR team offers several levels of integration and support to match your needs and get your project up and running quickly! Whether it be a fully engineered turn-key integration, engineering support or just some training, we can work with your team to quickly determine the needs and come up with an engineering model that works with your project requirements.
After an initial fact finding meeting or on-site survey, our AMR integration team will design a solution to help relieve some of the pain of using valuable personnel to perform repetitive and mundane tasks within your workflow. We can also provide a simulation model that will allow you to make better decisions about ROI, throughput and the number of AMR vehicles that are required to get the job done.
AMR’s are typically deployed into an existing work flow or production environment, but you just can’t afford to have a new technology interrupt that. In Position Technologies AMR team has the experience to minimize the impact of integrating this exciting new technology into your facility with most installs completed in several weeks, rather than several months. We regularly interface with the existing infrastructure of conveyors, palletizers, wrappers and work cells as well as back-end ERP and WMS systems.