Easy-Pull-Out Docking Stations
Easy-pull-out docking stations allow you to easily remove the cart if you need to manually move it around. It comes in floor and wall mounting, depending on what you need. Easy-pull-out docking is useful in more collaborative set-ups, where staff handles the carts manually.
Products include:
• DS100/200E Floor
• DS100/200E Ext Floor
• DS100/200E Wall
The Easy-Pull-Out docking system compatible with:
• MiR100 with ROEQ top modules TMC300/TMC300 Ext/TMR150 and Cart300E/Rack150
• MiR250 (+AM250) with ROEQ top modules TMC300/TMC300 Ext/TMR150 and Cart300E/Rack150
Size details:
• “Easy-Pull-Out” docking station, floor mounted: Length 800mm Width 250/385mm Height 440mm
• “Easy-Pull-Out” docking station, wall mounted: Length 800mm Width 85/220mm Height 480mm
In-Position Technologies is proud to support MiR’s full line of Mobile Robots and is ready to help customers find the right robot for their application. With payload, and size variation, all of In-Position Technologies’ Robots are ready to hit the ground rolling for warehouse logistics automation.
When starting a Mobile Robot project, In-Position Technologies engineers review the applications’ key requirements to determine the optimum size robot for the job. They perform all necessary engineering calculations to make sure the robot performs as required, within customer specification, and without unnecessary cost. They will also recommend the appropriate top modules and accessories to best fit the application.
This includes:
• MiR Hooks for custom and existing carts
• MiR Pallet Lifts
• Pallet Docks
When ordering the Easy-Pull-Out Docking Stations as a part of a full system, IP Tech engineers review the solution to ensure:
• All parts and accessories necessary for a complete working solution are included
• All components have been checked and verified to work together as a system
• The selected components will perform as required by the project specifications